Lot 3

临风冒雨去还乡 正是其身似燕儿

卸得泥来欲作垒 到头垒坏复须泥

Returning from an imminent storm,
like a swallow sitting in her nest,
using the mud she forts her home,
an effort wasted as it gets washed away.

Overall: BAD



Putting in effort day and night, but no one knows or appreciates. 

A futile effort.


1. Love/Marriage

Q: When will it begin? 
A: Love bears no fruit, back to square one. Rather than trying, it is better to remain happy and live peacefully. 

Q: Does he/she like me? 
A: The pursue is a waste of time because he/she is not a good match.

Q: I am already attached, but what is the next step? 
A: Putting in the effort to love and to pursue love to speed things up will only result in status quo.

Q: Quarrels, breaking up and separation, any chances of getting back together? 
A: Breaking up and move on to other potential dates or choose to live peacefully. 

2. Work/Career

Looking for a job for a long time without success. Perhaps use the time for self-enrichment, before trying again. Asking for a promotion will not be successful.

3. Competitions/Exams

Hard work and effort put in will not lead to successful results.   

4. Investing

Investments do not have profits or losses, and remains the same. Borrowing money is not recommended.

5. Starting/Running a business

Breaking even, but no significant profits. A general rule to use your own funds rather than take loans to run your business.

6. Real estate

Buying/Selling will not yield profits. 

7. Health

Treatment may not be effective unless the root of the problem is resolved. Wishes need to be repaid. Chronic illnesses require practicing letting go of unnecessary troubles and de-cluttering of the mind. Clear off work barriers for a cure.

8. Seeking change

Remain status quo. Make amendments to your current situation instead of running away from your issues.

9. Childbirth/Pregnancy

Seeking pregnancy cannot be achieved by effort itself. Rather, resolve your current work barriers and do good deeds for better luck in the future. 

10. Lawsuit

Lawsuits result in exhaustion and outcomes remain unchanged.

11. Searching for the missing or misplaced

A futile search.

12. Travel abroad

Nothing gained, rather to stay in the same place.
