Lot 8

    茂林松柏正兴旺 雨雪风霜总莫为 

异日忽然成大用 功名成就栋梁材

A pine forest flourishes,
unaffected by rain, snow or wind,
a triumphant day will arrive,
 becoming a pillar of success.

Overall: GOOD



The roads proceed smoothly, and life is rewarding. A fruitful harvest and prosperous family. 


1. Love/Marriage

Q: When will it begin? 
A: Patience is needed as there are challenges to overcome in the beginning.

Q: Does he/she like me? 
A: After a rough start, your effort will slowly be rewarded.   

Q: I am already attached, but what is the next step? 
A: Marriage is on its way to become successful. 

Q: Quarrels, breaking up and separation, any chances of getting back together? 
A: There is hope after all the challenges faced and love will prevail.

2. Work/Career

Time, patience and hard work will lead you to succeed in your career. Perseverance and persistence will help you achieve your goals.

3. Competitions/Exams

After many failures, you will finally win and succeed. 

4. Investing

Long-term investments will reap the best rewards.  

5. Starting/Running a business

After a long period of struggle and hard work, your business eventually becomes profitable and illustrious. 

6. Real estate

The sale may take a longer time but it will end up to be good.

7. Health

Chronic illnesses should be treated at the root of the problem.

8. Seeking change

Change cannot prevent the inevitable, hence making no differences as staying put.

9. Childbirth/Pregnancy

There may be a few mishaps, but eventually it will turn out to be a success. 

10. Lawsuit

Lawsuits may drag on for a long period, but it will be won.  

11. Searching for the missing or misplaced

The search may be tough, but what is lost will be found.

12. Travel abroad

You may experience a rough journey to get to where you to be.
