How to ask for a Divination from Guanyin Goddess of Mercy

Guanyin is the Goddess of Mercy that is known by many religions, goes around by many names, but nevertheless is universally based on the compassion of the humankind. Many times, we are faced with life's troubles, in love, wealth, business, health and work. Guanyin listens to all requests and provides guidance when a divination is asked.

Picture 1 - Divination lots 灵签   

There is a procedure which I find best to ask for a divination from the Goddess of Mercy. There are 100 divination lots placed in a wooden or metal flask and you will also need the 圣杯 (half moon oracle) see picture below.

Picture 2 - Sheng Bei 圣杯 aka Half-moon oracle
Curved (left) & Flat (right)


I find this procedure the most polite and respectful when asking for a divination from the Goddess of Mercy:

  1. Kneel down before Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy 
  2. Pray and tell your troubles and queries. It could be related to work, love, health, business, etc.
  3. When ready, start to shake the divination flask, thinking about your question.
  4. Stop shaking when the first divination lot falls out. 
  5. Thank the Goddess of Mercy for providing a divination, but WAIT, now it is the time to use the Half-moon oracle
  6. The Half-moon oracle is a yes/no oracle that will decide whether this divination is the chosen one for your query.
  7. Throw the half-moon oracle once to reveal the decision. As seen from Picture 2 above, the half-moon oracle has a flat and a curved surface.

    Simple rule:

    Flat + Flat = NO
    Curved + Curved = NO
    Flat + Curved = YES
  8. Only when (flat+curved=YES) a YES is given the divination is chosen.
  9. If you get a NO decision, you have to place the divination lot back and shake the flask again. Repeat Step 3 to Step 8.
  10. You have 3 tries. If you get 3 NO decisions, you are not entitled a divination for today. Come to the temple another day to ask for another divination.
  11. When a YES decision is made, the divination is successful and proceed to obtain the Divination Lot number and a Divination slip, traditionally explained in Chinese. 

Picture 3 - Divination slip

The divination slip is written in concise explanation and sometimes, you may pay a small amount of money to get the divination interpreted. I have seen many interpretations and English translations of the divinations, but here I will provide interpretation and translation of the divination. True to the divination, it is never 100% good or 100% bad. A "bad" divination is just the Goddess of Mercy's way of warning you about your future decisions and getting a "good" divination may sound good, but never become complacent of what we have at present. Please feel free to use the interpretation on my page for your interpretations.

Have a good day. :)
